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Original Title: Diary of a Drug Fiend
ISBN: 0877281467 (ISBN13: 9780877281467)
Edition Language: English
Online Books Download Diary of a Drug Fiend  Free
Diary of a Drug Fiend Paperback | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 3.67 | 3014 Users | 124 Reviews

Details Out Of Books Diary of a Drug Fiend

Title:Diary of a Drug Fiend
Author:Aleister Crowley
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:June 1977 by Weiser Books (first published 1922)
Categories:Fiction. Occult. Classics

Representaion Conducive To Books Diary of a Drug Fiend

Diary of a Drug Fiend was Aleister Crowley's first published novel. To the reader of 1922 it presented a shocking look at a little known phenomenon. Today, while we are more familiar with drugs because of their widespread use in our culture, Diary of a Drug Fiend remains one o fthe most intense, detailed and accurate accounts of drug addiction and the drug experience.

The book was written by Crowley after years of deep personal study and experimentation with drugs. It is the story of a young man and woman who fall madly in love and whirl through Europe in a frenzied haze of heroin/cocaine adventure. Their ecstacy is brought to an abrupt end when their drug supply is cut off and despair replaces joy. Through the guidance of King Lamus, a master Adept, they free themselves from the entanglements of addition by the application of practical Magick.

The narrative carries the reader aloft through the brilliance of the imagery created by this master of language; his prose development parallels the growth and increasing depth of his characters in an uncanny fashion. This is a book to be read and reread. It will also prove a useful document to doctors, lawyers, police and addicts for its unique and precise presentation of the psychology of addiction and the possibility of its cure through the development of the True Will.

Rating Out Of Books Diary of a Drug Fiend
Ratings: 3.67 From 3014 Users | 124 Reviews

Evaluate Out Of Books Diary of a Drug Fiend
Found this on the street in a pile of "Free: please take!" books. I figured, well, I will read at least one book by any author who is the subject of an Ozzy Osbourne song with absolutely killer Randy Rhoads solo.Like most novels written primarily to convey a philosophical point, Diary of a Drug fiend is not very good. It's certainly better than anything Ayn Rand ever wrote, but that's a very low bar to clear.There's some interesting stuff depicting the horrible spiral of addiction. I don't know

A bunch of this is absurd and some is archaic (you can't die from opiate withdrawal, for one thing), and there's a fair amount of sexism, but in this book's innocence from the taint of the drug war--criminalization had just begun when it was written--it manages a lot more nuance than modern accounts.

A man who has once experienced the drug-life finds it difficult to put up with the inanity of normal existence. He has become wise the wisdom of despair.

Cocaine is a hell of a drugRick James .jpgThis is basically a really weak narrative about how great and terrible drugs are and how great Crowley's personal philosophy is. I love biography. I like drugs. I even like fictionalized biography; but, if you ever even dabbled in drugs, and you know anything about Crowley at all, this becomes insufferably dull; pages upon pages of what being high is like written in *almost* flowery language. Yes, I finished this, and yes, it mostly feels like a waste of

I will write a review after I re-read this book. This book is my favorite and I recommend it to everyone. It tells a tale between Peter and Lady Pendragon who meet one night and gets caught up in a whirlwind of drugs. It is beautifully written, has great lines of philosophy carved underneath the story, and has an very moving ending, and I don't say that about a lot of books.

This is one of the most amazing things i've ever read. It's a book about drugs and addiction, but it's also not about drugs at all. It's about why each of us is here, what we're supposed to do, and how to get it done. Incredibly beautiful, uplifting, and unique. Crowley is so unique and completely un-corny about the way he describes his tenets--it made me think inwardly in an intense, positive way. This uniqueness also spills over into the way he describes drugs, his characters, etc. Very

The third part completely undermines an exploration into the mind of an addict17 July 2009 This is one of the few books that I would not encourage people to read. While I am not a big fan of the occult, and tend to stay as far away from it as possible, it is not the occult connections that concern me, but rather the conclusion that Crowley reaches with regards to drugs. In any case, this book is not strictly one of Crowley's occultic writings, but the content can be quite dangerous nonetheless.

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