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عزازيل Paperback | Pages: 470 pages
Rating: 4.05 | 46099 Users | 5207 Reviews

Define Containing Books عزازيل

Author:يوسف زيدان
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 470 pages
Published:2009 by دار الشروق (first published 2008)
Categories:Novels. Fiction

Chronicle Concering Books عزازيل

تدور أحداث الرواية في القرن الخامس الميلادي ما بين صعيد مصر والإسكندرية وشمال سوريا، عقب تبني الإمبراطورية الرومانية للدين المسيحي، وما تلا ذلك من صراع مذهبي داخلي بين آباء الكنيسة من جهة، والمؤمنين الجدد والوثنية المتراجعة من جهة أخرى.

"ما أظن أني تمتعت بعمل من هذا القبيل.. ما أروع هذا العمل"
-- يحيى الجمل

"هذه الرواية عمل مبدع وخطير، مبدع لما يحتويه من مناطق حوارية إنسانية مكتوبة بحساسية مرهفة تمتزج فيها العاطفة بالمتعة، وخطير لأنه يتضمن دراسة في نشأة وتطور الصراع المذهبي بين الطوائف المسيحية في المشرق.. إن يوسف زيدان يتميز بالموهبتين، موهبة المبدع وموهبة الباحث، وكثيرا ما تتداخل الموهبتان في هذا العمل"
-- سامي خشبة

"لو قرأنا الرواية قراءة حقيقية، لأدركنا سمو أهدافها ونبل غاياتها الأخلاقية والروحية التي هي تأكيد لقيم التسامح وتقبل الآخر، واحترام حق الاختلاف، ورفض مبدأ العنف.. ولغة الرواية لغة شعرية، تترجع فيها أصداء المناجيات الصوفية، خصوصا حين نقرأ مناجاة هيبا لربه "
-- د. جابر عصفور

"يوسف زيدان هو أول روائي مسلم، يكتب عن اللاهوت المسيحي بشكل روائي عميق. وهو أول مسلم، يحاول أن يعطي حلولا لمشكلات كنسية كبرى.. إن يوسف زيدان اقتحم حياة الأديرة، ورسم بريشة راهب أحداثا كنسية حدثت بالفعل، وكان لها أثر عظيم في تاريخ الكنيسة القبطية"
-- المطران يوحنا جريجووريوس

Point Books Toward عزازيل

Original Title: عزازيل
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Characters: Hypa, Martha, Octavia
Literary Awards: الجائزة العالمية للرواية العربية (أي باف) / International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) (2009), Saif Ghobash Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary Translation (2013)

Rating Containing Books عزازيل
Ratings: 4.05 From 46099 Users | 5207 Reviews

Criticism Containing Books عزازيل
2582013First,Everyone knows the story of Hypatia and we did not need the definition of those ! ,searching for the right or the truth was not the case ofor the problem of the protagonist of this story any day :) ! , he was always going to run away from the face !, so I do not know what the secret behind the interpretation this journey as a spiritual journey, or even as a mental and philosophical journey :) !..*****عزازيل هي روايه فعلا اولى بعزازيل :)بطل جبان .. خاف يفكر خاف يبحث .. استسهل فهرب :)

I wonder how novel writers can create whole worlds like that!Really interesting novel, I would have never knew these details about a Monk's life and the arguments inside churches in the past history ... tho this is not a real sufficient reference to know the whole story, yet I really enjoyed knowing more about it.Truly loved the enchanted prayers, really heart felt, well said words .. Youssed Zidan style is just amazing with words.

To my friends who don't speak Arabic: Azazeel by Youssef Ziedan, a fictional novel intersected with real historical events and characters, where the narrator is an anonymous translator. He leaves a will that his translation work must be published after his death. The translation is on Syriac chronicles written by an Egyptian monk/physician called Hypa who started writing them in 431 AD. Hypa constantly accuses Azazeel (the devil) of making him write down his adventures and recall his painful

Azazeel is the kind of historical fiction that I love but find so rarely: a story set during a time of upheaval, a long gone era and place we do not know much about; and it is also a human story of faith and doubt, of the nature of good and evil, of love and devotion; with the ultimate message that fanatism of any kind is evil. "Killing people in the name of religion does not make it religious."Hypa, our 5th century Egyptian Coptic monk is a devout Christian, yet also a sensitive man who cannot

Beautifully written. The subject matter is fascinating as the protagonist is a monk in the early church period of Alexandria vs Antioch; the life he leads, his temptations and the questions and doubts those who are religious often have. The nature of good and evil; organised religion and its politics; are all themes inter-woven in this.

The nature of Christ is the essence of our religion, and that essence is subtle and problematic, and potends schism and discord. Modern Arabic novel is often criticised for being too political, and in many cases nothing more than a platform for writers to repackage contemporary war troubles in Arab countries into a kind of fictional reportage designed for quick consumption, forgotten as soon as the next big thing happens and is taken up. I share this criticism to the extent when artistic levers

I was so surprised with the ending, very open, didn't know what happened. It's just spoiled the whole book for me.

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