Gorski vijenac
The plot is a bit uncomfortable for modern tastes – essentially, a load of Montenegrins decide to convert to Islam, and so the local chieftains slaughter them all – but it is a reminder of the Balkans' crucial position there on the often-violent boundary between Europe and "The East". This massacre really happened, by the way – Njegoš's own ancestor Danilo was a key player.
I picked through it slowly when I was in Montenegro and trying to learn the language. Here's a rousing speech before they go into battle, to give you an idea:
Which means something like: Let what could never happen, happen; let hell devour and Satan reap! The cemeteries will bring forth flowers, for some other distant generation! The Serbo-Croatian (...or ‘Serbian’...or ‘Montenegrin’) is beautiful though, especially that final line.
One of my two copies includes a curious English translation from one James W Wiles – full of lots of energetic, sub-Shakespearean flourishes. It seems very Victorian but I've no idea when it was written and my copy doesn't say. Here's his rendering of the passage above:
Stirring stuff! Wiles's translation is good fun, but even I can see that it's not entirely to be relied upon. Nevertheless, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the area or the language.
Knjiga čijih se stihova vrlo često sjetim. Možda i zbog profesorice koja je znala da prenese ljepotu ove knjige. Definitivno jedna od najboljih knjiga napisanih na domaćim jezicima.
Mnogo poučna knjiga, ali je potrebno prethodno pročitati par prepričanih verzija i analiza kako bi ste je razumeli u potpunosti. Smatram da nije za drugu godinu srednje škole, već barem za 3.
Gorski vijenac ne pamti se po događajima nego po izrekama, njegovi junaci su poznati po onome što govore a ne po onome što čine stoji u pogovoru izdanja koje imam u rukama (Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd 2013.)I zaista, dvadesetak godina nakon što sam ga pročitao, jedino čega sam se sećao (osim grube teme - istrage Poturica) jesu te izreke. Ali i posle ponovnog čitanja, osim tih poslovičnih, snažnih (ali izolovanih) stihova, malo šta je ostavilo utisak na mene. Ali to je Njegoš! Veliki NJEGOŠ!
Loads of bullshit. Old guy spitting shit all day long. Very annoying book. I would rather kick the baby in the spine than read this crap again.
Vratila sam se ovom djelu poslije 10tak godina nakon citanja istog u srednjoj skoli, kad nista nisam razumjela a nisam se ni trudila da ga razumijem. Sad vec, uz izdanje knjige koja ima detaljna objasnjenja svakog stiha, nisam mogla da se odvojim od knjige. Njegosevo poznavanje istorije, obicaja i sam jezik i stil pisanja je objedinio ovo djelo u ono sto zaista jeste - remek djelo.
Petar II Petrović Njegoš
Audiobook | Pages: 205 pages Rating: 3.86 | 2106 Users | 44 Reviews
List Out Of Books Gorski vijenac
Title | : | Gorski vijenac |
Author | : | Petar II Petrović Njegoš |
Book Format | : | Audiobook |
Book Edition | : | Anniversary Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 205 pages |
Published | : | (first published 1847) |
Categories | : | Classics. Poetry. Academic. School. Read For School. European Literature. Serbian Literature. Philosophy. Fiction |
Interpretation During Books Gorski vijenac
This epic poem was written by Petar II Petrović Njegoš, the great Vladika, or Prince-Bishop, of Montenegro in the mid-19th century, at a time when every statelet and region in Europe seemed to be experimenting with similar forays into artistic nationalism. It was always considered the great Serbian epic, although quite how this works now that Montenegro has become a separate country I'm not sure.The plot is a bit uncomfortable for modern tastes – essentially, a load of Montenegrins decide to convert to Islam, and so the local chieftains slaughter them all – but it is a reminder of the Balkans' crucial position there on the often-violent boundary between Europe and "The East". This massacre really happened, by the way – Njegoš's own ancestor Danilo was a key player.
I picked through it slowly when I was in Montenegro and trying to learn the language. Here's a rousing speech before they go into battle, to give you an idea:
neka bude što biti ne može,
nek ad proždre, pokosi satana!
Na groblju će iznići cvijeće
za daleko neko pokoljenje!
Which means something like: Let what could never happen, happen; let hell devour and Satan reap! The cemeteries will bring forth flowers, for some other distant generation! The Serbo-Croatian (...or ‘Serbian’...or ‘Montenegrin’) is beautiful though, especially that final line.
One of my two copies includes a curious English translation from one James W Wiles – full of lots of energetic, sub-Shakespearean flourishes. It seems very Victorian but I've no idea when it was written and my copy doesn't say. Here's his rendering of the passage above:
Let come those things men thought could never be;
Let hell devour; let Satan swing his scythe:
Still graveyard turf shall bring forth many a flower,
For coming kindreds in Time's later Hour!
Stirring stuff! Wiles's translation is good fun, but even I can see that it's not entirely to be relied upon. Nevertheless, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the area or the language.
Details Books Supposing Gorski vijenac
Original Title: | Gorski vijenac |
ISBN: | 863791070X (ISBN13: 9788637910701) |
Rating Out Of Books Gorski vijenac
Ratings: 3.86 From 2106 Users | 44 ReviewsRate Out Of Books Gorski vijenac
I have read this book few times, and each time I got more thrilled about it. It's easiest to understand on the original language, Montenegrin, for me at least. Every line has it's meaning for itself. The best quote for me is:''Thrice happy he whose name rings down the years, For he had reason in this world to come.''Knjiga čijih se stihova vrlo često sjetim. Možda i zbog profesorice koja je znala da prenese ljepotu ove knjige. Definitivno jedna od najboljih knjiga napisanih na domaćim jezicima.
Mnogo poučna knjiga, ali je potrebno prethodno pročitati par prepričanih verzija i analiza kako bi ste je razumeli u potpunosti. Smatram da nije za drugu godinu srednje škole, već barem za 3.
Gorski vijenac ne pamti se po događajima nego po izrekama, njegovi junaci su poznati po onome što govore a ne po onome što čine stoji u pogovoru izdanja koje imam u rukama (Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd 2013.)I zaista, dvadesetak godina nakon što sam ga pročitao, jedino čega sam se sećao (osim grube teme - istrage Poturica) jesu te izreke. Ali i posle ponovnog čitanja, osim tih poslovičnih, snažnih (ali izolovanih) stihova, malo šta je ostavilo utisak na mene. Ali to je Njegoš! Veliki NJEGOŠ!
Loads of bullshit. Old guy spitting shit all day long. Very annoying book. I would rather kick the baby in the spine than read this crap again.
Vratila sam se ovom djelu poslije 10tak godina nakon citanja istog u srednjoj skoli, kad nista nisam razumjela a nisam se ni trudila da ga razumijem. Sad vec, uz izdanje knjige koja ima detaljna objasnjenja svakog stiha, nisam mogla da se odvojim od knjige. Njegosevo poznavanje istorije, obicaja i sam jezik i stil pisanja je objedinio ovo djelo u ono sto zaista jeste - remek djelo.